Events in 2024
The Workshop 2025
Place: Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University -
5th International Doctoral Symposum on Asian and African Studies (IDSAAS V)
Place: Sapienza University of Rome -
International Workshop "Current Directions in International Japanese Studies"
Place: University of Turin -
The Sixth Tohoku Conference on Global Japanese Studies
Teachers: Shawn Forde (University of British Columbia Asst. Prof)、Thorsten Gieser (University of Koblenz Lecturer)、Alexandra Culvelo (Nova University of Lisbon Professor)、Romulo Ehalt (Max Planck Institute Researcher)、Fuhito Endo (Seikei University Professor)、Ryan Johnson (University of Melbourne Researcher)、Tatsuki Inoue (Meiji University Lecturer)、Hiromichi Hasebe (Nihon University Assoc.Prof)、Seiji Hoshino (Kokugakuin University Professor) Place: 11F, Main Conference Room, New Humanities Building, Kawauchi Minami Campus, (川内南キャンパス文科系総合研究棟11階大会議室) -
The 23rd Hasekura Seminar "The Creole prototype and the problem of complexity"
Teachers: Umberto Ansaldo (University of Hong Kong Professor) Place: Kawauchi-minami Campus, Room #411, Graduate School of Arts and Letters,Tohoku University → Lecture Room #2, Faculty of Arts and Letters. -
Lecture by partner university faculty, Professor Umberto Ansaldo
Second Program information session for recruitment of new students for 2025
Place: Room 212, Multidisciplinary Research Building, Kawauchi-Minami Campus -
The 22nd Hasekura Seminar/Special Lecture, Center for Northeast Asian Studies, "Unexpected Neighbors: The Japanese behind the Scenes of Yiddish Literature"
Teachers: Ber Kotlerman (Bar-Ilan University Professor) Place: Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University Room403 -
Program information session for recruitment of new students for 2025
Place: Room 317, Graduate School of Arts and Letters -
The 21st Hasekura Seminar "The Paradigm Shift that Wasn’t: The Enduring Myth of a “Closed Country” and Japan’s Immigration Policy"
Teachers: Eric Han (College of William & Mary ) Place: Kawauchi-minami Campus, Room #208, Graduate School of Arts and Letters,Tohoku University -
The 29th Japanese Studies International Research Cluster Session/ The 20th Hasekura Seminar "林芙美子における「満州」の語り方ー戦前から戦後へ"
Teachers: Zeng Tingting (Jilin University Assoc. Pro) Place: The 1st Lecture Room, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University ※The venue has been changed to The 1st Lecture room, Graduate School of Arts and Letters. -
Lecture by partner university faculty, Professor Orion Klautau, Dr. Lisa Zhang
International Symposium ”Literature and Ecology”
Place: Université Grenoble Alpes -
4th International Doctoral Symposium on Asian and African Studies
Place: Ca' Foscari University of Venice